Thursday, March 19, 2009

IT'S A GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!

It's a GIRL!!!!!! Yah!!! We are all so excited!!! I went yesterday for my Level II sonogram in Savannah and after finally some cooperation from our little girl....we finally got to see that she in fact is a girl! :) I really thought that it was a girl, but was sort of afraid to get my hopes up, so I was all confused and not sure if it wasn't a boy! We do know she's a little stubborn so far!! LOL! She does not like to do what we want her to do! The tech had a hard time getting all the views of the heart and other body parts!! LOL! She also already likes to put her arms behind her head!! Just like her Daddy and big brother!!! That is exactly how they both sleep!!! Too funny!!! This is going to be so much fun having a little girl to dress up!! Austin is really excited!! I got so tickled at him when I called him yesterday to let him know it was a girl! When I told him he started screaming and going crazy and bear hugged his cousin Mallory!!!! Derek's Nannie said she had to pull him off of her!!! She's actually older, but Austin is way bigger than her! LOL! :) He was just so esctatic!!!! He kept telling me it was a girl, and he was right! Now I will have my little man and my baby girl!!! Yesterday afternoon Austin was practicing t-ball with his daddy and everytime he'd hit, he'd say "I'm doing this for my baby sister"!!!! He's too cute!! Gosh I love that boy!! I can't wait for him to hold her, I'm sure I will be crying!!! :) Well that's it for now, just wanted to update!!!! Later!!!!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

It's been a while!

Sorry for not updating sooner....I am just slack! I honestly want to do better with this blog so you all can enjoy it! I have gotten to where I spend a lot of my time online reading blogs! I love it! Some are old friends and some are just random ones that I enjoy reading. But it's really neat to see what people are up to. :)
Here's what's up with us, since I haven't written since December! :)
Austin is a mess as always! That child is Derek Rowe made over!!! When those two get together, you better believe they are trouble!! :) I love him though and wouldn't trade him for the world!!!! Or as he says, "you won't sell me for $5 bucks will you mama?" My poor boy has been sick this week with a sinus infection/tonsilitis/fluid in his ears/coughing...a little bit of it all, but I do believe he's finally starting to feel better. We've made plans for his 4th Birthday Party in April and he's really starting to get excited! We're having a bowling party and I especially can't wait because it will be his first party that hasn't been a the house! And the good thing is, I won't have to clean up or do anything, just show up! You can't beat that! I really can't believe he's gonna be 4! It does seem like yesterday he was just a baby! Now he will be going to Pre-K in the fall! :( I'm gonna be sad! But pre-k is so good for them and they learn so much. I loved teaching pre-k, the kids are a lot of fun! I hope to help out with his class and stuff next year, that's gonna be fun! I hope he does okay with being dropped off to class, he's never really stayed anywhere besides with family, but I know he'll get used to it, it just may take some time.

Well it's now March and I am now 20 weeks pregnant!!! Yah!!! I'm halfway through!!! Now the rest of the time should fly by!! Yesterday I went in for my check up and ultrasound. Everything is looking good, the baby is measuring exactly right and all that good stuff, but we were unable to find out the sex!!! I was really hoping to be able to find out, but our little baby had other plans! LOL! The baby had its legs crossed and was turned, so all we were able to see was the spine and back of the head! Connie our ultrasound tech tried her best to find out for us, but no such luck! All I could do was laugh because Derek had taken off work to go with me, since he didn't get to go with me when I found out Austin was a boy. The funny thing is, Derek told me that morning, "I'm gonna be mad if I take off work and we can't find out what it is"!!! LOL! So when we didn't find out, all I could do was laugh!! Everyone was calling our phones and texting us asking what it was, and when I told them we didn't know, they thought we were playing! LOL! I am not one that could keep something like that quiet! And I definitely wanted to know, so hopefully we will know in a couple of weeks! I also have to go to Savannah to have a Level 2 Sonogram done, so hopefully they will make that appointment for me and I get to go soon...they should be able to tell the sex then. If not, the doctor said he'll check again at my check up in April! I'm ready to know so I can start working on the nursery!

Okay now for Derek....since work has been really slow for Derek's dad, we decided to kinda start looking for a job for Derek that we knew would be a set income. Well about 3 weeks ago I guess I found a job online in our newspaper and told Derek about it. Well we filled out the online application and then Derek went in for an interview and found out this morning that he definitely got the job!!!! Yah!!! Isn't God good!!! He's going to be working for the school system's maintenance department in Brunswick. I defintely think this is going to be a great job for him! Plus we'll have insurance again! Yippee! He's excited and so are we! We have been praying that God's will be done in this situation and we're so glad this was God's will! Just when you think things aren't going so good, God shows up and shows out!!!! :) We are so grateful for this job for our family and are looking forward to our future! God is soooo good to us!

Well that's about all that is going on right now that I can think of. I am going to sign Austin up for T-Ball tomorrow, so I can't wait for that to start!! It's gonna be so much fun! Soccer was a blast and now I'm sure t-ball is gonna be even better!! Hopefully I will update again soon!!

Love & Prayers.....

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Okay, okay......

Yes I know it's been a while since I've updated and I will do my best to start writing on here more often. I honesty forget about this blog sometimes, unless I am really really bored! :) As I am tonight! LOL! So anyway, lets see.....what's new with us.....well...we have some really exciting news to share!!! I am about 8 weeks PREGNANT!!!! :) Yah!!! I am due July 23rd. Today I had my first official OB check-up and everything is looking great! The baby looked really good and had a nice strong heartbeat of 163 BPM. Maybe that will mean it's a girl.....or boy? LOL! :) I'd really love to have a girl, but if God give us a boy that will be fine too. We are just glad to be pregnant with another little baby no matter what! :) Sorry for all the smileys but I am just so happy! Well sorry to cut this short, but I've gotta run for now....I will keep everyone updated with the baby!! Later!!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

More Halloween Stuff

A few days before Halloween I sort of got into the season and decided me & Austin would bake some cookies and make some cupcakes too!! We had so much fun and I tell you that kid loves icing and cake batter just like his mama!!! LOL! :) It was so yummy!! Well I was also just in the best mood and so we also made some homemade playdoh too! Although it didn't turn out quite exactly like it should, it still worked! I did however finally find the right recipe from the teacher I used to work with. So now we need to make some more! I think I'll also try some edible playdoh next time too, just so I can taste it! LOL! :) My sister was telling me I should make some like Kate from Jon & Kate plus 8 did with peanut butter! I love me some peanut butter so that should be awesome!! Anyway I wanted to share these pics and hopefully this one video will work! Austin was soooo funny while we were baking!! Later!


Okay so I know this is a little late, but oh well! :) Here are a few pictures of Austin aka "Batman" from Halloween! The child is a little obsessed with batman! And I do think he makes a cute one! Enjoy!

Check out his eyes!! They really stand out! :)

Saturday, November 1, 2008


Austin was able to play soccer this fall!! I was so excited, almost more than he was! They really are supposed to be 4, but they let Austin go ahead even though he is only 3 1/2. They ended up not having enough coaches and so they asked Derek to coach the team. Which that in itself is hiliarious because Derek knew NOTHING about soccer, other than you can't touch it with your hands! LOL! So funny! Anyway, we got my friend Jennifer's husband Jason to be the assistant coach so they could learn about soccer together! Jennifer's little girl Katelyn is playing on our team, as well as Mallory, our neice. It turned out we knew everyone on our team and it's really been a great little team! These soccer games are the funniest sport I've ever watched! It really has surprised me at how well these kids have done! Austin loves it, even though he's probably the slowest runner, and he just kind of runs around free-spirited, he really just has an awesome time! I mean isn't that what it's supposed to be about?? They don't really keep score at this age and they don't even have a goalie, but we like to kinda keep our own score and so far we were undefeated, until this past Thursday night....we lost by like 2 goals! :( Man! The kids had no idea of course but they did awesome and were so proud of themselves! And we are always proud of them too! We have only two games left, but this has been such an awesome experience for us as well as Austin! I can't wait until the Spring when it will be time for T-ball! That's gonna be fun too!! Gosh I'm so excited to be one of those ballpark moms!! LOL! Yeah I know that's cheesy, but oh well! I'm just proud! ha! Well here are a few pictures.....aren't they so cute!!!???!!!

I will update tomorrow with pictures of Halloween!!

Friday, October 31, 2008

Our Trip to the Pumpkin Farm

Okay so last Saturday we went to Odum with the church to Poppell Farms. I really love going there, we always have so much fun! There is so much to do there and Austin really enjoyed it even more this year, since he's 3 1/2 years old! Gosh I can't believe my boy is that old now! Crazy how time flies! We first started out with the Corn Maize there! I can't imagine trying to go through that thing at night!! We cheated sooooo many times, just trying to get back out! LOL! The corn wasn't nearly as high as it was last year. It was only about waist high, last year it was over my head! Anyway as you can see Austin had a blast!!

Austin and Shaylee, who is Derek's cousin Alvin's daughter, held hands and ran all through the maize. I got some really cute pics of them!

Next we decided to do some of the activities like the petting zoo, duck races and this homemade slide!!! This thing was super fast and Austin hit his tail when he came flying out! It must not have hurt him too bad because he went back up it a couple of more times. Well some of the adults with us also went down it. Well Derek's cousin Alvin took Shaylee (who's only 16 months old!) up there and let her go down and then he decided to go down it too. Well as soon as he came out, he hit his tail and then stood up to walk off and PASSED OUT!! They thought he had like a seizure because when he passed out, his eyes rolled into the back of his head and his arms kind of drawed up. He also had hit the back of his head when he passed out! It was scary! He came right back too, but the ambulance was called and they checked him out and he ended up going on the Emergency Room to get checked out. Although not in the ambulance! He refused to ride in there! Anyway, the rest of us stayed at the farm while his wife took him....come to find out he broke his tailbone and passed out basically from the pain!!!! LOL! When all this happened, me, Derek and Austin were taking pictures together so we missed the actual fall, but quickly went over there when we saw Alvin laying on the ground. I so wanted to snap a picture of him laying there, but I wasn't sure how serious he was then or I would have! LOL! Because now it is funny and we are still ragging him!! That slide is dangerous though!!! Check it out!!!

Well while Alvin was at the ER we went on the hayride to the pumpkin patch. All of the kids had a really good time. And we did too! :) I was wore out by the time we left! We had a whole day of fun!! Here are some of my favorite pics from the day!

I am going to start doing better with these blogs and try to keep them updated with our everyday life!!! Until then.........