Thursday, March 19, 2009

IT'S A GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!

It's a GIRL!!!!!! Yah!!! We are all so excited!!! I went yesterday for my Level II sonogram in Savannah and after finally some cooperation from our little girl....we finally got to see that she in fact is a girl! :) I really thought that it was a girl, but was sort of afraid to get my hopes up, so I was all confused and not sure if it wasn't a boy! We do know she's a little stubborn so far!! LOL! She does not like to do what we want her to do! The tech had a hard time getting all the views of the heart and other body parts!! LOL! She also already likes to put her arms behind her head!! Just like her Daddy and big brother!!! That is exactly how they both sleep!!! Too funny!!! This is going to be so much fun having a little girl to dress up!! Austin is really excited!! I got so tickled at him when I called him yesterday to let him know it was a girl! When I told him he started screaming and going crazy and bear hugged his cousin Mallory!!!! Derek's Nannie said she had to pull him off of her!!! She's actually older, but Austin is way bigger than her! LOL! :) He was just so esctatic!!!! He kept telling me it was a girl, and he was right! Now I will have my little man and my baby girl!!! Yesterday afternoon Austin was practicing t-ball with his daddy and everytime he'd hit, he'd say "I'm doing this for my baby sister"!!!! He's too cute!! Gosh I love that boy!! I can't wait for him to hold her, I'm sure I will be crying!!! :) Well that's it for now, just wanted to update!!!! Later!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is so sweet ! Austin is going to be a great BIG BROTHER !! I am so excited for yall, and you are right..GOD is GOOD !!!